“Can I get A Playhouse for Christmas?” It can be a worry when you first see your kid’s Christmas list. What nobody wants is to have the experience of seeing Santa Clause pay hundreds for the latest trendy toy only to have their child look at it with bewilderment, throw it aside and play with its box! They might entertain themselves for the hour that the box lasts. But nobody wants to be bereft with buyer’s remorse. Thankfully we have a full range of affordable playhouses for kids that were built to last beyond the first few days of excitement.
Why Get a Playhouse for Christmas?
Kids are what make Christmas special. Part of the fun is in reliving your childhood through their eyes. Seeing the excitement running up to the big day. The sheer glee when they tear open their presents. It all makes for a memorable experience. The hope is always that they form great memories, and when you get them something it’s not to distract them for five minutes. You want it to last. So when, as you’re looking over your child’s shoulder to their crayon-scribbled Christmas list to Santa, you see, “Can I have a Playhouse for Christmas?”, you might be forgiven for a moment of pause! The truth is that there are many pricey, somewhat garish playhouses out there. And none of them come cheap. Rather than being yet another piece of plastic in the garden they are actually beautiful to look at.
A Playhouse for Christmas — and Beyond
One strategy to avoid Santa’s remorse is to look for a playhouse that will last. One that provides joy outside of the fads. Something that encourages imagination, physical activity, and interaction with others. Something which, as long as it lasts, and as long as your child hasn’t outgrown it, will provide a source of unending play. Our playhouses come in a few main different shapes and themes such as the Aksent, the Loft, and the Crooky.
They’re made in Scandinavia using a quality Cedarwood. This wood is resistant to rain and wood rot and does not splinter. And despite being wooden, it only needs minimal care every two years. Most of us have something from our childhood, that special thing that we connected with. Be it a swing set, a dollhouse or a playhouse. Whatever it was, it somehow survived the thrashing of childhood. EXIT’s playhouses are the kind of toys that survive a beating more than long enough to leave lasting memories.
If you’d like to view our playhouses or have any questions, give us a call on 021 4965132