In this day and age, where screens are ubiquitous and kids are more likely to be sprawled out on the couch watching Twitch than getting out and about, outdoor toys have never been more important. Exercise is essential for both physical and mental development. And with this, Sports, ride-on toys, and other activities can go a long way to getting the kids off the couch and out and about where nature intended.
Outdoors Toys: Trampolines
Sometimes, you just need to move, and there’s no better way than on a trampoline. It’s fun, incredibly good for you, and very safe when you have the right trampoline. Both Berg and EXIT trampolines are the best on the market, with superior padding and strong safety nets, which are essential. They came in the regular style with a raised jumping surface or as ‘flatground’ models, which are even safer as they remove the dangers of mounting and dismounting.
E-Scooters in Ireland
E-Scooters and regular scooters have been around for a good while now and are more popular than ever, fast becoming a method of urban transport for kids and adults. There’s a reason why they’re so popular: They’re not just handy for getting around, they’re a lot of fun. Especially when they have larger wheels which prevent injuries.
Outdoor Toys Ireland: Sports Toys
Good Sports Toys can take your standard game of football and make it something better. With football goals, basketball nets and training gear, you can help your young ‘uns (or yourself) hone their skills while adding a bit more to the experience. Because playing football in the local green with a few rolled up jumpers for posts is one thing, having an actual goal is something else entirely. It’s just better. And basketball is so much more satisfying when you have a good net. For serious football players, an EXIT rebounder is a great way to practice skills when you’re on your own. It gives you a nice return that you just can’t get from hitting off a wall. This can be used to improve footwork and co-ordination and just improve finesse.
Go-Karts have been a mainstay for decades now and with good reason. While a bicycle is always good fun, there’s something about a go-kart that just lets a child’s imagination run wild. They can become rally drivers or go on a jeep safari in their imaginations. It’s just a lot of fun and provides another way to get your kids out and active!
If you’d like more information on our range of outdoor toys Ireland, you can give us a call any time on 021 4965 132