Exit playhouses are great toys that will keep children occupied during these long summer months. They need little maintenance and have the capability of providing hours of high-quality entertainment to the children that play in them. With the explosion of technology use amongst younger generations, it has never been more important for children to take some time outside to play and just be kids. Taking time away from a screen to go outside and play in a playhouse has lots of benefits. Here are 4 more reasons you should have an Exit playhouse in your garden.
1: Obesity
As children grow, they will need more physical activity to boost their development. If your child doesn’t have a place to play, they may lose interest in it and prefer sitting down on the sofa, eating and watching TV. Eventually, this will lead to obesity. They will gain weight due to lack of physical activity and bad eating patterns. All food has calories so if they are not doing the necessary exercise to burn those calories then they are going to continue putting on excess weight, putting stress/strain on their body/organs and ultimately getting extremely unhealthy.
2: Better Sleep
After using a lot of energy, kids will have to recharge and sleep. They need a lot of sleep to recuperate the lost energy spent from playing in their playhouse. Most children are quite hard to get to bed, especially if they are watching tv, playing with technology or engrossed in video games. Playing outside reduces the likelihood of kids developing a habit of going to sleep late at night, which is unhealthy. Playing all day in a playhouse would result in them having a sound, continuous and better sleep which would help improve their mental and physical development.
3: Imagination/Creativity
Playhouses give children more opportunities to play but more importantly be a child. Playhouses create that sense of magic and imagination amongst children. The memories created in such a special place last a lifetime. So it’s important to provide the best possible space for these memories to blossom. Playhouses for children provide an opportunity for their budding imaginations to literally take off. Play that is imaginative in nature is an important factor when it comes to cognitive development.
4: Teaches Responsibility
Playhouses are an excellent tool to teach kids about responsibility. They have to learn to play responsibly and look out for others, while also following the rules you have made for the play areas. This will help them for the future when they have to abide by more serious rules like school, work and the law.
If you would like to learn more about playhouses then call us today on 021-496-5132 or visit us online today.