In Ireland, we usually don’t have to worry too much about sub-zero temperatures. When you properly store your tractor mower this is almost a non-issue. However, if the weather is due to get very cold and you don’t plan to use the equipment, there’s no harm in taking precautions. These directions should be suitable for most ride on lawnmowers.
Always read and follow the manual for your particular make and model. But the first step is general before doing any work on the mower is to prevent accidental ignition. The safest way to do this is to disconnect the spark plug wire.
How to store your tractor mower for long periods
Petrol goes stale in about a month, so if you’re not planning to use your tractor mower you can add a fuel preserver to your lawnmower’s tank. This sits on the top of the fuel and lessens the chance of water contamination, which happens when condensation builds up around the fuel tank, also known as “sweating”. Fuel preserver also prevents gum formation in the essential parts.
You can ensure that the preserver is spread throughout the system — just run the engine for 10 minutes. While the engine is still warm, change the oil, the filter and fuel filter. If you want to remove the oil us a drain pain to avoid a mess. We also provide ride on lawnmower service and repairs and can take care of this for you if necessary. Before installing a new filter, lightly oil the gasket with clean oil and tighten it once sealed. Make sure not to overfill it with oil.
If your spark plugs need changing, now is also a good time to do this. Before putting this away in storage, start the engine for a few moments to check for leaks. If there are no issues you’re almost done. The final step before storage is to disconnect the battery cable from its terminal. Always start with the negative cable, then the positive. It’s best to store the battery somewhere cool and dry if your storage area is not suitable. We do not recommend storing tractor mowers outdoors, even with coverings. If possible, we recommend renting a storage space if there is nothing available in your area.
If you’d prefer to get your tractor mower serviced professionally, you can call us today on 021 4965 132