Here are two unusual Barbecue recipes to try out if you’d like to play around with more than the usual drumsticks and burgers (not that there’s anything wrong with those!). Check out our full range of gas barbecues on sale if you don’t have one already.
Unusual Barbecue Recipes: Chicken and Bacon Pot Mix
This will work with any hooded barbecue available in Ireland. Given the long cooking time this is best done before you expect guests. Cut five chicken breast into quarters (halve them then slice each half down the centre) and put these aside. Then in a separate bowl, mix a tablespoon of garlic powder, onion powder, chilli powder, pepper. And half a tablespoon of cayenne pepper. Give it a mix with a spoon, then sprinkle it over your chicken breasts before massaging it over the breasts with your hands.
Next, get American style bacon rashers that are long and thin. You want to use enough of them so that they completely cover the base of a bread dish in such a way that they overlap and create a base. Half the bacon should be hanging outside the dish as in the end; you will wrap them around everything inside the dish.
Add one layer of chicken breast into the base so that the bottom of the dish is completely covered, you can then add a light layer of BBQ sauce over them.
Next, add about ten slices of cheddar to create a layer. Then add another layer of chicken breasts on top, adding another layer of BBQ sauce. Add sliced green bell peppers on top of this, and finally a layer of sliced red onion (half an onion is all that you need).
Add another bit of BBQ sauce if you like. Then a layer of sliced red bell peppers. Another layer of cheese. Another layer of chicken. Then finally wrap the bacon over the top of the mix and cover the dish with tin foil. Place the hood over the barbecue and allow it to bake for at least 60-90 minutes or until done.
Barbecued Orange Chicken, Bacon and Cheese Roll
There are many unusual Barbecue Recipes which will work with a hooded barbecue such as the Campingaz 4 Classic LS. Here’s one that’s particularly delicious and looks great.
Cover a chopping board with a strip of cling film.
Get your chicken breasts, slice them in half, then place them on a chopping board and cover them with another bit of cling film. Use a mallet to pulverise them just enough until they’ flattened out. Then take away the upper layer of cling film, leaving the chicken on the board for now.
Take a large orange and half it. Scour out the pulp so that you have both halves of the skin intact (you’ll use those later). Add the flesh to a sieve and juice it with a fork over a pot. Then bring the juice to the boil. Add honey, paprika and stir the mixture. Then using a brush, coat the flattened chicken breast with this mixture (which should still be laying on the cling film).
Add a layer of sliced ham over the chicken mixture, then add a layer of cheddar cheese. Finally, take your wooden spoon’s handle, place it across the mixture on your chopping board. You’re going to use the spoon to wrap the mixture into a roll. Use the cling film beneath the mixture to roll it (being sure not to get any inside). Finally, wrap the roll in streaky bacon and add the orange’s caps to either end of the mixture. Place it on the grill using forks to create a spit for your wooden spoon. Rotate it now and then until all sides of the bacon are a golden brown and it cooked thoroughly throughout. When done, you will have a fantastic looking orange chicken, bacon and cheese roll. Enjoy!
View our full range of barbecues, and for any questions call us today on 021 4965 132