What’s the best training bike for kids? When your child is at that age where they’re outgrowing a tricycle and are ready for the next challenge, it’s important to select a bike that can adapt with their skill level. The Xootz Balance Bike fills the gap between a toddler’s tricycle and a fully functioning bicycle. The Xootz Balance Bike takes away the pedals and gives your child everything else so they can learn the most important skill: Balance.
A child is able to learn to balance by the age of two, but they’re typically unable to balance and pedal until about the age of four. By removing the pedals, your child is not overloaded with too much to learn at once. This allows younger kids to learn the necessary balance and coordination that they’ll need to be able to steer and control where they’re going before they can cycle a fully functioning bicycle. The Balance Bike is affordable at €34.99, assembly is straight-forward, and the seat is adjustable for kids of all sizes and can adapt with your child. The tyres are made from EVA rather than being pneumatic, so there are no worries about punctures and the sturdy frame is built to handle plenty of knocks.
Best Training Bike for Kids: Why not use stabilisers?
Stabilisers have been around for years. But they are not the best teaching tool for kids. Stabilisers hold the bike upright so when a child learns to steer, they’re actually learning how to steer a four-wheeled bike. Kids learn to use their body weight to stay upright which they must then unlearn when you remove the stabilisers. This makes the learning process much more difficult and prolongs the learning period necessarily. Unlike scooters, bicycles require a lot more coordination to learn.
How do you know when your child is ready to upgrade to a bigger kid’s bike?
They’ll have to learn the coordination to balance and pedal at the same time. Usually, this is between the ages of 3 1/2 and 4 1/2. Let them try a friend’s bike. Can they stay balanced long enough for their feet to stay on the pedals? If not, leave them to continue scooting on their balance bike until they learn the necessary balance.
If you have any questions about the balance bike, call us today on 021 4965 132